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Office 2019 Key List: Updated Lists 2024

office 2019 keys

When it comes to talking about essential programs on a computer, the office suite of office You can not miss. This time we are going to talk about its most recent version and the well-known Office 2019 keys.

We are well aware that licensing this product can be quite expensive, preventing many users from obtaining it for a fee. That is why here we are going to show you different keys for Office 2019 that will allow you to register the program officially.

In the same way, we will show you some programs that you can use to carry out the process automatically. In this way, you will save yourself the search and your Office activated free quickly. With that said, let's get started!

How to activate Office 2019?

There are two possible methods for activate office 2019:

  • Office 2019 Keys: A product key is a serial included with the purchase of a program license. Using the code corresponding to our version, we will be able to permanently activate our program.
  • Office 2019 Activator: The activator consists of software that performs the activation process automatically. It's a simpler and just as effective way to activate Office and any other program.

Now that you know what the options are, let's take a closer look at each of them.

office 2019 free

List of Office 2019 Keys

It is important that you know that Office 2019 It has several versions, each of them with a specific Office 2019 product key. In the following list you can find several product keys for each of them.

Office Professional Plus 2019 Activation KeyNMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP
Office Standard 2019 Activation Key6NWWJ-YQWMR-QKGCB-6TMB3-9D9HK
Project Professional 2019 Activation KeyB4NPR-3FKK7-T2MBV-FRQ4W-PKD2B
Project Standard 2019 Activation KeyC4F7P-NCP8C-6CQPT-MQHV9-JXD2M
Visio Professional 2019 Activation Key9BGNQ-K37YR-RQHF2-38RQ3-7VCBB
Visio Standard 2019 Activation Key7TQNQ-K3YQQ-3PFH7-CCPPM-X4VQ2
Word 2019 Activation Key PBX3G-NWMT6-Q7XBW-PYJGG-WXD33
Excel 2019 Activation Key  TMJWT-YYNMB-3BKTF-644FC-RVXBD
PowerPoint 2019 Activation Key     RRNCX-C64HY-W2MM7-MCH9G-TJHMQ
Activation key Access 2019               9N9PT-27V4Y-VJ2PD-YXFMF-YTFQT
Outlook 2019 Activation Key            7HD7K-N4PVK-BHBCQ-YWQRW-XW4VK
Publisher 2019 Activation Key         G2KWX-3NW6P-PY93R-JXK2T-C9Y9V
Skype Business 2019 Activation KeyNCJ33-JHBBY-HTK98-MYCV8-HMKHJ
Updated June 2024

Keys to activate Office 2019

  • P68MV-TSA79-LZWYY-F89M1-QG401
  • IMRZ8-B71JH-7G1R0-D219G-OIPHM
  • HB880-BBFX5-M8276-GVKDI-J4EAX

Office 2019 Product Keys

  • 7IG7N-90PPE-UPUR6-UPHJ1-0313V
  • S04M3-OFAD9-JG655-3MZXI-OY3RR

Office 2019 Key


      How to use Office 2019 Keys?

      • Open any of the products Office 2019 installed on your computer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Note, etc.)
      • Select the option "Archive" on the taskbar to open the "Start"
      • In the left menu options, scroll down to "Account"
      • Once inside, you will be given the option to enter the key to activate the product. If you have already activated Office 2019 before and it has deactivated itself, you must click on "Change Product Key"
      • Select one of the Office 2019 keys that we have left you throughout the article and enter it in the corresponding box
      • Ready! You don't need to do more, if the office key 2019 is correct, the program will recognize it automatically.

      Note: Since there are several versions of Office, if one of the keys does not work for you, you can try several. We also recommend that you carry out this process with the internet connection disabled, this increases the probability of success.

      activation key office 2019

      Activate Office 2019 Keys via CMD

      He CMD either Symbol of the system, is an addition that Windows has from its first versions. Its goal is to allow us to use commands within the operating system and get additional functions that can not be done otherwise.

      For this specific case, we will use the CMD to activate office 2019. Here we leave you the steps to follow:

      • Open the command prompt by searching for CMD in the Windows search bar. If you have this option disabled, you can also open it by pressing the key Windows+R and typing CMD
      • With the CMD open, you must copy the following command on the PC:
        • Office 2019 Keys 32-bit: cd /d %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16
        • Office 2019 Keys 64-bit: cd /d %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16

      Note: If you're not sure which program you have, you can safely run both commands. One of them will give you an error while the other will complete successfully.

      • Download Office for free It is possible through the official Microsoft site, yes, it is a version Retail. If you have downloaded the program from there, you will need to run the following command:
        • for /f %x in ('dir /b ..\root\Licenses16\ProPlus2019VL*.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:”..\root\Licenses16\%x

      Note: This is only for those who have downloaded free Office from the official page, otherwise you don't need to.

      • Finally, we will execute the following script (make sure you have your internet connection active):

      cscript ospp.vbs /setprt:1688

      cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:6MWKP >nul

      cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP

      cscript ospp.vbs /

      cscript ospp.vbs /act

      • Perfect! With all this done, it's time to restart your PC. To verify if it has worked, go to the section "Account" within Office and verify that the message appears “Product activated”
      activate office 2019 cmd

      Office 2019 Activation Program

      As we mentioned at the beginning, the Office 2019 keys They do not have to be manually activated. To avoid the process that can confuse many, we can use programs that do the activation for us.

      After analyzing the options a bit, we can conclude that the best alternative is KMSpico, the most efficient tool when it comes to activating any version of Office and Windows.

      These are some of the most outstanding features

      • Totally free! The program can be downloaded directly through its official page, without having to pay anything or go through annoying shorteners
      • Its security team has worked constantly to protect the program, eliminate any type of malicious software and make it safe for all its users.
      • 100% legal to try it and use it as many times as you want
      • Genuine! Thanks to teamwork, the official website has managed to position itself and you do not need to resort to third parties who can manipulate the program with bad intentions
      download kmspico

      Disable antivirus

      Before starting the process, it is important that you disable your antivirus. Windows 10 It comes by default with an antivirus, which we are going to disable as follows:

      • Open the Windows menu and access the settings
      • Select the last option “Update and security”
      • Now click on "Windows Security" and “Open Windows Security”
      • choose “Protection against viruses and threats” and then in the section "Settings Protection against viruses and threats", finally, click on “Manage Settings”
      • Once inside, we must deactivate all the options found here as shown in the image.
      • That's it! When we are done with the Office 2019 activation, you can repeat the process to put the antivirus back up and running
      disable windows defender

      Download and install KMSpico

      With the antivirus turned off, it's time to get down to work downloading and installing the program:

      • Enter the official site of KMSpico
      • Go to the section Download in the upper right
      • Locate the most up-to-date version and click on any of the numbers (each number uses a different download server)
      • Click on the download button of the server you have selected
      • Once the file is downloaded, run it as administrator and follow the installation steps
      • At the end of this process, you will find two new executable files on your PC: KMSpico and AutoKMSpico
        • KMSpico opens a small window where you can select whether you want to activate Windows or Microsoft Office. In addition, it allows you to perform a few additional configurations
        • AutoKMSpico runs automatically and activates both software. You will know that the process has finished with a characteristic sound that the program emits
      key activation office 2019

      What is the difference between Office 2019 and Office 365?

      we have already explained how to activate microsoft office 2019but what about office 365? It is important to highlight that the Office 2019 keys They don't work for this version.

      Office 365, as its name suggests, is a subscription service from Microsoft. The new proposal aims to provide a few additional benefits for its subscribers, removing the one-time license fee and bringing it down to an annual fee.

      Other additional advantages that Office 365 includes are:

      • With the subscription payment, the user is assigned 1TB of cloud storage via OneDrive
      • Products included in Microsoft Office will be updated to the latest version automatically
      • Includes add-ons like Outlook and Access, as well as services like Skype and OneDrive
      • Depending on the package you choose, you can get a license to use up to 15 different teams distributed as follows: 5 PC or Mac computers, 5 tablets and 5 phones
      • 60 minutes a month for free skype calls
      • Technical support by chat and phone 24/7
      download office 365

      Office 365 Keys

      If you are interested in getting this version without paying, you can activate it using one of the following codes:

      • LT8M0X-BF570V-9YBW5K-OBL45I
      • QSM7EN-9YWPX2-QG2II5-K59JQY
      • 929MJF-UHXOJZ-6PDOX6-P6L97G
      • HH5WNU-968TBJ-87NHWD-JKNZ0D


      microsoftoffice it is probably one of the best acquisitions that a user can get for his computer. However, for all those who cannot afford the price of their subscription, the list of Office 2019 keys views here will be very useful.

      We appreciate having read to the end and we hope you continue browsing technohive, where we do our best to bring you the best content on the web. See you later!