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How to get a verified badge on Instagram 2024

get a verified badge on instagram

Would you like to get the blue badge on Instagram? And, although it may seem impossible, you can get it if you meet some requirements. Therefore, we have decided to help you by leaving some tips to get a verified badge on instagram that you can't miss.  

Most people think that it is necessary to be an influencer or have a large number of followers, since it was that way for a long time. The famous blue icon It was a way to distinguish those users with the most popularity within the application, but that was in the past.

If you own a very popular business, there is a chance that you will find other fake accounts impersonating your company. For that reason it is very important to have the blue badge, as it will help you differentiate yourself from the competition while offering the confidence your customers need.

Are you ready to start? Go for it!

Why should I be verified on Instagram? 

Before showing you the steps to verify your Instagram account, you should know in detail what this authentication is about. In summary, get a verified badge on instagram It means that the platform recognizes that your account is real.

verified instagram account

In other words, Instagram assures users that your account brand or company belongs to a profile authentic and which, in turn, meets all the requirements imposed by the platform.

Most accounts do not have this badge, either because they do not meet the necessary requirements to obtain it or they do not yet know the procedure to obtain it. 

Please note that having this badge doesn't make you famous, but it guarantees you get more followers or make many more sales than before. Well, it is just a way in which users can check the veracity of your company account.

Who can get the verified badge on Instagram? 

All users of the social network can request verification of your account, but being chosen by the platform is not as easy as it seems. Well Instagram is very selective when it comes to awarding this badge.

how to get instagram verification

The platform has clarified on several occasions that only public figures, celebrities and brands renowned people can get a badge on Instagram without any problems. That is, accounts that can be easily plagiarized by other users.

To get the verification badge, first you must comply with the conditions of use and community rules of the social network. 

Here are some of the most important factors in earning the badge: 

  • It must be a real account: To get the verified badge, account must belong to a real person or registered company. Meme pages or fanpages meet this requirement 
  • It must be unique: Only one account can be verified per person or brand. Although there are some exceptions, for example, when it comes to accounts with a specific language
  • Must stand out from the rest: Instagram is very selective, so it must be an account that is well known or sought after by users
  • Complete information: Fill out the account biography with as much information as possible and have several posts. Thus, chances increase to get the badge

Requirements to get a badge on Instagram 2024

Getting the verification badge on Instagram can be extremely difficult for a normal person, since what does it take? meet certain characteristics so that Instagram takes action on the matter. 

Next, we leave you with a list of requirements to obtain the blue badge: 

  • You must have more than 100 thousand followers in your account
  • Have a company page verified by Facebook, then link it with the Instagram account
  • Instagram must be able to detect other accounts that want to plagiarize your profile
  • Activating the two step verification On Instagram

Advantages of getting a verified badge on Instagram

Would you like to verify your Instagram account? In that case, we will tell you about some of the benefits of having the coveted blue badge in our profile. Take a look at the following list with the most notable points: 


By having the blue badge on your Instagram profile, users will visit and read your posts with a lot more security. Of course, you must have quality and helpful content to keep your followers.

Good reputation

Surely you have entered a verified profile just by seeing its badge, this has happened to all of us at some time, because the blue icon improves and highlights the prestige of a brand. In other words, the criteria that each user has about it. 

For this reason, many people today are looking for how to obtain a verified badge on Instagram. However, this is not enough, make sure your brand has a marketing plan well structured, in this way, you will be able to gain a boost on the reputation of your company.


One of the most important features it offers us get blue instagram badge, is to be able to differentiate ourselves from fake accounts. Well, this badge will not only appear on your profile, but also in all your comments or in the application's search engine.

A clear example are the famous people profiles. Since it is very normal for fans to create fanpages using their name, making it look very similar to the official account, they do this in order to confuse users.

Therefore, we must get the verification badge on Instagram, so our clients and other users will avoid falling in some False account.

How to get a verified badge on Instagram step by step

Before telling you all the details, you should know what there is no security that your account is accepted and verified by Instagram. You can request it but you must wait for the platform to respond.

get verified instagram badge

Make sure you have all the requirements and follow each recommendations that we mentioned before. In this way the chances of getting the verification badge will increase considerably.

Do you meet all the requirements? Then, request verification from your account by following these simple steps: 

  • Open the application and access your profile from the icon at the bottom right of the screen
  • In your profile, select the three dots that will open the menu, click on “Account settings” 
  • Look for the “Account” and select the “Request check”. If you do not have this option available, you will have to wait for it to appear in the next application update
  • Now, you must enter some personal information. Account name, your full name and an image of your ID 
  • Click on “Send” 
  • Ready! Now you just have to wait for Instagram to respond to you, this it may take several days

If you are accepted by the social network, you will be able to immediately see the blue badge next to your account name. Otherwise, if it is not approved, Instagram will notify you that you have not met all the necessary requirements to obtain the verification badge. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

If you have come this far, then you should already know everything about how get a verified badge on instagram. However, if you still have doubts about it, we leave you with a section of the most common questions asked by other internet users.

Can't find an answer to your questions? We invite you to leave it in the comment box, our team will try to respond in the shortest time possible.

Without further ado, let's get to the questions!

Can I transfer my verification badge to another account? 

You should know that verified accounts they can't change your name, much less transfer your badge to another account, as this is one of the rules that Instagram imposes on all verified accounts.

This is so that other users are clear about what difficult what the review process can be and, above all, approve it.

Can verified accounts be misleading? 

Of course not, IInstagram can detect if a verification has been acquired fraudulently. If this were to happen, the platform would take measures drastic against the account. 

Instagram is in charge of analyzing each one of the accounts of the social network, with the aim of detect those malicious accounts and delete them instantly.


Now you know everything about how to get a verified badge on Instagram, although it is not that simple and nothing guarantees that your account will be verified, you can follow each of the tips that we have left you throughout this article. 

Have you not been accepted? Don't worry! You just have to focus on continuing uploading quality content and try again in the coming months. We recommend that you do not purchase verified accounts, as it is very likely that they will be deleted.

That's all for today, we hope that the information in this article is very useful to you. Continue browsing Tecnohive for more quality content on social networks.

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