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The Best Mods and Cheats for Opera GX in 2024

Opera gx mods and tricks

Opera GX was released in 2019 and since then, it has managed to become one of the best browsers a user can use. If you are already using this browser or want to soon, stay here and learn all about Opera GX mods and cheats.

This program has hundreds of functions, and many of them are not well known by the general public. However, today we are going to bring to light everything that can be useful for users and that will undoubtedly give you a better browsing experience.

In case you already know the mods and tricks for this browser, don't forget to visit our guide on pages to waste time, where you can find various ways to distract yourself on the internet.

Without further ado, let's get started!

What is Opera GX mods and cheats?

Opera is a well-known browser in the market, as it has been one of the most prominent competitors of Google Chrome. In addition to being lighter, Opera tried to add more privacy and provide a better user experience.

After several years updating Opera, its work team took advantage of the annual The Game Awards to reveal their new project.

Opera GX how is it

Opera GX was announced with a clear objective: to become the main browser for gamers. It was so that after a successful beta, the browser went on the market in December and quickly gained a wide user base.

In the first instance, Opera GX stands out thanks to its user interface, which looks modern and technological, taking advantage of neon colors to stand out in a positive way.

However, it is not necessary that you keep this aspect, because another of the most important features of GX is its wide range of options to customize it.

Whether you prefer the predefined layouts or dare to experiment a bit with colors, you can do it quickly and easily thanks to all the Opera GX mods and cheats that are available.

Of course, the features of Opera GX are not limited to being aesthetic, since we have tools that allow us to improve the performance of the equipment, block ads and browse incognito.

Opera GX Features

  • A modern and unmatched design, perfect for those looking to stand out
  • Customizable themes manually or through predefined styles
  • The GX corner allows you to know the latest news in the world of video games, thanks to news, offers, free games and upcoming releases
  • Full integration with messaging apps, social networks, Twitch, Spotify and Deezer, allowing the user to quickly access their functions
  • Take advantage of Pinboards to create interactive boards with information you need, images and the possibility of sharing it with your friends
  • Thanks to the Flow option, you can instantly share information with your cell phone, keeping open tabs and sessions
  • Ad blocker included so you can browse without running into hundreds of annoying ads

Opera GX mods and cheats updated

If what we have told you has managed to capture your attention, it is time that we delve deeper into the characteristics that we mentioned.

After downloading Opera GX we will have available all the features included in the browser, but some of them are not active by default. On the other hand, some of them must be previously configured, as they offer different options that provide different results.

It is also important to talk about the Opera GX mods, a recently added feature that has become a favorite of many users.

Despite continuing in its beta version, hundreds of Internet users have already gotten to work and the mods store is full of options to customize your browser.

Later, we will talk more in depth about this section, but first we must talk in general about Opera GX mods and cheats. Check this!


Taking screenshots from your computer can be slightly complicated, since you have to paste the image into an editor in order to save it. However, using Opera GX you can easily take screenshots from your browser.

For this, you must click the camera icon located in the address bar at the top of the browser; alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+5.

Opera GX cheats

Once this is done, a snipping tool will open, allowing you to choose the area of the screen you want to capture. Here you can select if you want to copy the image to the clipboard, save it as a PDF or open an editing tool.

This last option is the most interesting of all, since it allows us to draw, add text, emojis and even photos through the use of a webcam.

How to make Opera GX consume less RAM with GX Control

One of the most useful additions within the Opera GX mods and cheats, is the function known as GX Control.

Located in the upper left part of the browser, it is a control panel where we can perform the following actions:

  • View a list of the tabs that are consuming the most RAM within the browser to close them with just one click
  • Limit the use of the internet, both uploading and downloading data
  • RAM Limiter allows us to limit the amount of RAM that the browser has access to. Once turned on, the user can choose a maximum usable memory and if it is exceeded, Opera GX will issue a message
  • Finally, we have CPU Limiter, an option that limits the processor power that the browser can use.
Opera GX ram Limiter

GX Cleaner

If you want to keep your computer light and browse smoothly, this is one of the most useful features on our list of Opera GX mods and cheats.

Using this tool, you can do a quick cleanup of your browsing data, including cookies, history, and downloads you no longer need.

Take a look at this section from time to time, as it can help you save a lot of space and lighten up your browser.

Opera GX Cleaner

Use your favorite apps without switching tabs

This is one of the best-known advantages of Opera GX, as it is also found in the regular version of Opera.

Using the sidebar that we have on the left side, we can access different applications quickly without having to open them directly in another tab. Currently, the applications compatible with this feature are:

  • WhatsApp
  • facebook messenger
  • Telegram
  • instagram
  • Twitter
  • discord
  • TikTok
  • VK

As long as you are logged in to the application in the browser, you can take a quick look at the application you want through this bar.

Opera GX Shaders

It is one of the Opera GX mods and cheats most recent, since this function was added a couple of days ago.

To use it, we must go to the Opera store and explore the "Shaders" section. Translated into Spanish, this option means “Shaders”, so you can get an idea of its purpose.

After activating it, we will have a renewed browser, with animated backgrounds when opening new tabs and a powerful appearance at the graphic level.

Despite being a great feature, we don't recommend using it if you don't have a powerful computer, as it can significantly reduce performance.

Opera GX Mods, what are they and how do they work?

Since we have discussed some tricks of this browser, it is time to talk about mods. This section is located in the sidebar with a processor icon and is currently still in its beta version.

When we open it for the first time, we can turn this function on or off, which currently has 7 fully customizable cores, these being:

  • Website modding: Includes screen effects such as filters or distortion
  • Shaders: Here are the animated backgrounds and shadow effects for different parts of the browser
  • Issue: This core defines the color of the browser, something that you can also modify manually within the personalization settings
  • Background music: You can include a constant melody when opening the browser, choosing if it should sound at all times or only when opening a new tab
  • Keyboard sounds: With this core, you can choose a specific sound to play when you type. Opera GX includes one by default, so here you can replace it
  • Wallpaper: In this section you can modify the background that appears when opening a new tab in the browser
  • Browser Sounds: Finally, we have a core for adding sounds when doing different things, such as closing a tab or switching between them.

If you want to try any of these Opera GX mods and cheats You have two options: search in the store or create it on your own.

Currently, the has hundreds of community creations, adding cores that may be to your liking. Likewise, it is possible to choose specific parts of one of them and modify it with others, thus creating a personalized version of the mod.

In the same way, you can create one on your own and if you like the result, upload it to your account to share it with the community.

The best tricks for Opera GX

Before we finish, let's take a quick look at a few tricks that are easy and will come in handy when browsing:

  • if you're looking for how to put incognito mode in Opera GX, just press Ctrl+Shift+N. This will open a new window in incognito mode, protecting your privacy and preventing what you're looking for from being added to your history
  • By right-clicking on any web page, you can use the “Force dark page” function, turning the web you are on into a version with dark mode activated
  • By right-clicking on the sidebar, you can customize which icons you want to see and which options to hide
  • When playing videos, you can tap the button with an arrow to activate the mini player. Using this function, you will be able to position the player where you like and even continue watching the video while using other programs.
  • One of the Opera GX mods and cheats more recent, it is related to Twtich. If you press the icon of this app in the sidebar, you will be able to see what is live within the channels you follow, being able to configure notifications and play videos in the background
  • If you have a Spotify, Deezer or Apple Music account, you can access the "Player" option, which will show a small window where you can place songs in the background and browse the catalog of music applications
  • By linking your browser to an email account, you can recover Opera GX on any other computer or mobile device


The competition may be stiff, but Opera GX has worked hard to upgrade its browser to a point that seems second to none.

Despite everything we have said, there are a couple of new features that we have left out and that we invite you to try on your own.

Before you go, remember to visit our guide on best job search pages, a good alternative to expand your curriculum and work from home.

Has our article been helpful to you? Do you know of anything else we could add to our wish list? Opera GX mods and cheats? Tell us!

Without further ado, see you!