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Update Whatsapp quickly and easily 2024

update whatsapp

It is no secret to anyone that WhatsApp continues to give something to talk about and due to its functions, it is increasingly considered as one of the best instant messaging applications. However, to have a more satisfactory user experience, it is necessary know how to update WhatsApp to its latest version.

With each new update, many people choose to assume that it is a slow and tedious process, but in reality it is quite the opposite. Since, in addition to being easy, It is distinguished as a fast operation from which the instant messaging app can provide greater security and confidence to its customers.

That is why, below, we will inform you of each of the steps to follow in reference to how to update WhatsApp Android and iOS. As well as, the importance of updating WhatsApp and its main advantages, along with much more information of interest to you.

Why should WhatsApp be updated?

In general, users who decide to postpone pending updates on their mobile device again and again run a risk that goes far beyond the application running slower or not introducing new features. Since, put your personal information at risk.

Consequently, one of the main reasons to update WhatsApp on any mobile device lies in avoid any security breach that minimizes the user experience. This is at such a level as to generate alarming results that put the person's personal and/or private data at stake.

Above all, because WhatsApp is the main application chosen for share texts, photos, videos and even documents with other people. Which, by default, remain stored on the platform's servers for a long time and if the corresponding updates are not installed, they remain in the sights of third parties.

For its part, like security, other aspects such as its performance, its functionalities and its error correction are of vital importance to update WhatsApp on Android and iOS. Here, we explain why:

  • Performance is a key factor for users. Who, in general, want the apps installed on their mobile to respond quickly when they interact with them and this is guaranteed through updates. Otherwise, the device may operate slower or consume more battery power than usual.
  • Inherently, updating WhatsApp translates into enjoying new features which, over time, increase to guarantee an optimal user experience. Since, fulfilling the wishes of users is essential for their loyalty and WhatsApp is very clear about this. So, if you don't update your app, it will soon become obsolete.
  • Interface improvements They are essential in WhatsApp updates, because they help access the functions in an easier and faster way. Likewise, they are classified as a key factor to visually attract customers.
  • Another important reason to use app updates is based on bug fixes determined in the possible failures detected by the users themselves. Thus, based on these readjustments, errors can be resolved in order to avoid uninstallation by those users.

The advantages of updating WhatsApp 2021

Advantages of updating WhatsApp 2021

As we mentioned in the previous part, in each WhatsApp update the company is responsible for add new features, show improvements to the application and fix possible bugs. Thanks to this, one of the most important benefits of renewing WhatsApp is that you will have an optimal security system and a better user experience with each new update.

In addition to this, the update process allows WhatsApp to function correctly on any mobile device. Which basically translates to speed, efficiency and convenience for customers.

You can even avoid annoying message alerts like “This version of WhatsApp will expire in the next few days, we invite you to update to the latest version.” Therefore, it is also possible prevent the application from disappearing from your mobile device and you must remain incommunicado in some way, because it does not allow you to log in.

Now, in the case of the 2021 version of WhatsApp, it should be noted that contains the following functions:

  • Self-destruction of photos or videos: If you want, you can make sure that other users see the files you share with them only once. Since, with this function, they self-destruct the moment the recipient opens the photo or video and views it.
  • Use the app on multiple devices at the same time: Another new function that you can enjoy when updating WhatsApp 2021 consists of the possibility of using the app on several devices at the same time, that is, it is multi-device. Furthermore, this functionality can be managed without an Internet connection.
  • “Disappearance mode” for greater privacy: This is an alternative that does not save the history of the application, since in a period of 7 days it makes the messages, audios, photos, videos and documents that are shared disappear. This mode helps optimize the memory space of the mobile device.

How to update WhatsApp Android? June 2024

WhatsApp Android

There are two ways to update WhatsApp on an Android device: Through Google Play Store and using an APK file. The first option is the easiest of all and the second is ideal for those devices that for any reason cannot update WhatsApp 2021 from the Android app store.

If you choose to update WhatsApp Android using the Play Store, you have to follow the following step by step:

  1. On your phone or tablet, look for the Play Store icon and access there.
  2. From the search engine, enter the word “WhatsApp” and choose the first option.
  3. Next you have to Press the green button that says “Update”. If it does not appear, it means that there are no updates available.
  4. Lastly, you just have to wait for the process to complete automatically and ready.

As you can see, It is a quick and easy process. in which it is not necessary to download third-party files that could endanger the integrity of your data.

On the other hand, in case you have to do it via an APK, first of all, you need to find the file. apk corresponding to the latest WhatsApp update. Generally, this is done through your trusted web browser on a secure site that Provide the download link of said file (make sure it corresponds to the 2021 version of the application).

Once you carry out the aforementioned download process, it is necessary that activate the unknown sources feature on your computer. Otherwise, it will not be possible to install this type of file to update WhatsApp. In this case, said activation is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, look for the Settings option and enter that menu.
  2. Then, locate “Lock and security screen” or “Geometric data and security” to enter there. This may vary depending on the model of your Android device.
  3. Next, Click on “Unknown sources” or “Install applications.” unknown”, depending on the option that appears.
  4. Having done the above, Look for the downloaded file on your mobile and proceed to execute it to follow the steps shown on the screen and in this way, you can update WhatsApp APK.

How to update WhatsApp iPhone? June 2024

WhatsApp iPhone

In the case of iPhone and iPad, the WhatsApp update process It is carried out from the App Store. To do this, you can choose between two different ways depending on which one seems more practical to you.

In that sense, the first option consists of searching for WhatsApp in the Apple Store in the following way:

  1. From your device, open the App Store and go to the search engine.
  2. Once you are in the platform's search engine, search for “WhatsApp”.
  3. Subsequently, Press the “Update” option which is located next to the application information.
  4. Finally, all that remains is to wait for the update process to complete and that's it.

For your part, you can also do it through the Updates tab, following this step by step:

  1. As in the previous case, start with enter the App Store.
  2. In second place, Tap the tab that says “Updates”.
  3. Proceed to search for the WhatsApp application and there, Click on the “Update” tab.
  4. Finally, you have to wait for the update to finish and that's it.

Steps to verify that you have renewed WhatsApp 2021 correctly

If, for any reason, you want to check that you have correctly updated the instant messaging application on your mobile, tablet or iPad and you don't know how; We assure you that it is very simple. To do it, you have to see the information of the installed version as follows:

  1. Using the terminal in question, log in to your WhatsApp account and press the three dots menu which is located at the top right of the main screen.
  2. Once you display said menu, among the options, Tap on “Settings”.
  3. Next, it's time to Click on “Help” in the list of options displayed.
  4. Followed by the above, Click on “Info. of the application" which is the last option.
  5. Now, verify that it shows the following “WhatsApp Messenger – Version”. That's all.

If such a version appears, you can be sure that you will use the most modern features of WhatsApp. But, if not, you will have to install more updates on your computer in the same way that we explain throughout the post.

It won't let me update WhatsApp due to lack of space: What do I do in this case? 2024

One of the most recurring reasons why it is impossible to update WhatsApp, It is due to lack of space on the computer. This error issues the message “There is not enough storage space” and is usually identified with the following codes: 101, 498 or 910.

The first step to follow to solve this, It is based on clearing the application cache. To do this, go to the Settings menu on your Android, open Applications and select “Google Play Store”. After that, click on “Clear cache” and “Clear data”.

However, by doing this, it may not be possible to resolve the fault and, consequently, you will continue trying to update WhatsApp in vain again and again. But in order not to waste time, it is best delete the files that are located in the following sections in the internal storage of the terminal:

  • The images folder is located at: /WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Images/Sent.
  • Videos folder is located at: /WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Videos/Sent.
  • Like the voice messages folder, you can find it in: /WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Voice Notes.

If you get any error code such as 413, 481, 491, 492, 921, 927 or 941; We recommend that you follow the instructions below to install the WhatsApp update:

  1. To get started, delete your Google account. You can do this by following the route: Settings > Accounts > Google > Select the corresponding account > Delete.
  2. Next, restart your device and add your Google account again normally.
  3. Next, it's time to clear the app cache. The indicated route is: Settings > Applications > Google Play Store > Clear cache and Clear data.

However, if the error corresponds to “Invalid package file” which is another of the most common cases, you have to resort to the APK file of the application. That is, it is necessary to download the. apk through the official website of the application. Therefore, you must activate “Unknown sources” or “Install applications”. unknown”. After this, just use the downloaded file and install the app in its latest version.

FAQ: Update WhatsApp 2021

Below are the most frequently asked questions about how to update WhatsApp, in order to clear up any doubts:

 It's free?

Yes, the WhatsApp service it will be free for life. Consequently, any update to the instant messaging application is completely free. Therefore, you should not trust any provider that asks you for payment in exchange for a WhatsApp subscription or renewal.

Is there a deadline to update WhatsApp 2021?

There is no deadline as of yet. to be able to update and use the new version of WhatsApp. But users who do not support such renewal may not have the option to use the new features.

What does my mobile device require to be able to update WhatsApp?

If you have an Android cell phone or tablet, you need to use the operating system version 4.0.3 or later to download the update. Like, Internet connection.

If you use iPhone or iPad, it is required iOS 10.0 or higher version. Of course, also an Internet connection.